The company from Redmond is heavily investing in the ISO SC34 committee. Thanks to a brazilian blogger who manage to shed some light on what was going on in there, we hear now that Microsoft Korea was paying for dinner. I hope the meal was good:
Continuing the reading of the document, I found at the “Acclamations Section” a particular item, that would transcribe here:
Acclamation C:
SC 34 expresses its appreciation to Microsoft Korea for sponsoring the dinner of Sept 29th.I’d rather not write here any comment or conclusion about it, but I really would like to read the your comments.
Things like these which cause reactions such as the members of the Norway’s NB, that simply abandoned ISO (cheers to them).
I am also pretty sure that other participants to this meeting had their flight ticket paid by Redmond. I personally do not have the finances to afford such expensive flight tickets, hotels, and so on.
Physical meeting is the ISO way to exclude participation.