I was delighted to read a mail today which informed me about a new browser plugin for docx. It is fascinating to watch the pace of market adoption of the second ISO format.
Even The Register covers the story:
Microsoft has today released a plug-in for Firefox that allows Open XML documents to be viewed within the popular open source browser. The software giant said that its new Open XML Document Viewer works within Firefox and can be used on Windows and Linux platforms without needing a local installation of MS Office. .. So today’s announcement will be seen – by MS at least – as going some way to placate the firm’s naysayers.
Let's check the source.
Interoperability solutions announced today translate Open XML documents to a Web page (HTML) allowing readability on Web-friendly browsers such as Firefox,…
There are two kinds of people. Those who don't get it and those who enjoy the failblog. Those who enjoy the failblog may also wonder why the referenced document is called 12-03DIIBrusselsPR.mspx.
Anyway, at present also the ISO standard ODF is supported by Firefox through inadequate and experimental plugin solutions.